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Data digitisation and networking can enhance quality and efficiency in delivery and performance throughout the development project design, assessment and consenting process. It may also hold advantages over the development asset lifecycle, including the build and operate phases. 


Our approach starts by enquiring,  who needs what, when and how, to define project specific data management parameters. Working alongside digital practitioners we provide fully contextualised historic environment data and other forms of information:


  • Available data is reviewed and optimised before undertaking additional data collection activities 

  • Common data environments and collaborative geospatial digital platforms ensure information flows freely between disciplines, across tasks and within stakeholder partnerships

  • Rigorously assured data management processes feature in the production of all deliverables

  • Consistent data management practices - including naming, labelling and symbology conventions, georeferencing, archiving and cataloguing - ensures software applications generate effective visualisations, scenario models, statistical analysis, digital EIA and web content, as well as ensuring the efficient exchange and handover of data. 



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