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Provided expert evidence in support of Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council after it refused an application for open cast mining and land reclamation on part of the Merthyr Tydfil Landscape of Outstanding Historic Interest. The appeal upheld the Council's decision to refuse consent due to impacts on the historic environment. 

Evidence provided to the planning inquiry highlighted the applicant's environmental assessment overlooked information that showed earlier phases of coal mining associated with the 18th century Cyfarthfa Iron Works were far more extensive than stated. These remains were important not only as evidence of different forms of coal mining technology spanning the 18th-20th century - the location had direct association to the 1831 Merthyr Rising and the role Chartism played in the shaping of South Wales industrial communities. 


Also provided a critique of the heritage mitigation measures that formed part of the landscape restoration proposal, noting the loss of character and significance within a complex historic landscape that had acquired cultural and biodiversity value through natural regeneration.


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